Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jack and I

So, we finally have a way to videotape the kids. I am so happy about filming Jack's giggle, that I'm going to swallow my pride and post it even though it shows how awfully my belly sticks out...(sigh). Anyway, so here is our sweet Jack.

p.s. I'm wearing the first T-shirt that I've ever bought for a race. Joleane and I participated in the Run for the Shamrock last Saturday and even though the weather threatened rain, it was actually nice to have cool weather to run in. I ran in my first 10K race, YAY!!


vdhfamtng said...

Cute!!! Jack's such a little cutie.

Cindy said...

I had to giggle along with him. :) Way cute! Congrats on the run too!

France said...

That made my day - too fun! Lashelle

Pals said...

Oh, our precious Jack. There really is no happier sound than the laughter of a child. Thanks for videoing that.

Libby said...

Very cute!

I loved the little "we're done" nod at the end there, Sarah! :o)

Libby said...

I just let Ben watch that and he had to jump up and re-enact the whole thing with Eddie. :o)