Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's the little things

Jack has been changing a lot lately. To the trained mother's eyes it is obvious that he is not the little boy he was a couple of months ago. Last night he surprised me by drinking out of a straw! I often plug up the top and then drop it into his mouth, but this time he slurped up his water all by himself. What a relief! Another change in Jack is his hair. It has gotten so much darker. I suppose I shouldn't have expected any differently since John's hair is so dark. And finally, Jack is growing--boy is he growing! I measured the kids a couple of weeks ago. Arwen and Ellie are about 11 inches apart. Ellie and Jack are only 3 inches apart! (Poor Eleanor will always be the smallest, but her personality commands so much attention that I think she'll survive!) Consequently, it shouldn't have surprised me when he reached up and took the measuring cup off the kitchen counter and having played with it to his satisfaction, reached back up and slid it into the sink!

Right now Jack's favorite activities include watching cartoons with his sisters, growling at whoever growls back, spinning in a circle with me, and playing ball with John. He has become quite insistent and often demands John's attentions and only calms down when John starts shooting a ball into the Jack's basketball hoop. He loves to retrieve the balls for John so he can watch John shoot it again. He has also become insistent with me. When I stand at my computer he positions himself underneath the bar and pushes against my legs to get me away from the counter until I relent and pay attention to him!

Those of you who know us really well know that we're unsure if we're going to have any more children, so I'm soaking up all of Jack's attentions, relishing in the hugs that only a baby/toddler can give, and enjoying the fact that he is so much less moody than the girls are! So every little thing becomes a big thing in our lives.

Jack as been sick lately and I took this picture because his cheeks were so crazy red! He was pretty miserable and you can see it in his sleepy little eyes, but at least he still managed to smile for me.

I like this following picture because it's Jack standing next to John's favorite basketball player (and probably athlete in general), Kobe Bryant. As you can see, Jack is also at the peak of physical condition!

Hope you all have a nice weekend!


vdhfamtng said...

Fun little boy! Yup, I get all soppy when I watch old videos of Nathan when he was a wee one. Hard to believe (or remember sometimes) that he used to be such a little thing. It really is going fast isn't it?

Chris and Melanie said...

He is such a doll. They grow up so fast so I know what you mean about relishing every moment! :)